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Math Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

math activities for preschool and kindergarten

Welcome to our blog post featuring math activities and free printables for preschool and kindergarten aged children! We believe that learning math can be fun and engaging, and we have curated a collection of activities that will help your little ones develop their math skills while having a great time. Whether it's counting, sorting, or recognizing shapes, these activities are designed to make math enjoyable and accessible for young learners. So, let's dive in and explore the wonderful world of math together!

Clap, Stomp, Tap Your Head: A Listening Skills and Coordination Game

Clap, Stomp, Tap Your Head: A Listening Skills and Coordination Game

This printable includes 36 prompts for the game "Clap, Stomp, Tap Your Head," designed to help children ages 4-6 develop their listening skills and coordination. It comes with 3 levels: easy, medium and difficult.

By following the leader's instructions to clap, stomp, or tap their heads a certain number of times, children will learn to listen carefully and follow directions. This game encourages active listening, as they must pay attention to the specific actions and repetitions mentioned by the leader.

Additionally, the game promotes coordination as children engage their hands, feet, and head to perform the actions accurately. This helps them develop body awareness and control, enhancing their motor skills and coordination abilities.

A quick and perfect game for families with one or more little ones.

Learning and Mastering Numbers 11-20

Navigating the world of numbers can be quite a journey for our little learners, especially when it comes to those tricky teen numbers. But here's the good news: understanding teen numbers is like discovering a hidden treasure chest in the world of mathematics.

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning” - Fred Rogers

Why are these teen numbers so crucial? Well, they're like the stepping stones that lead our kindergarteners and first graders to number mastery. It's all about grasping the concept of "one-to-one correspondence," where each number corresponds to one object. And trust me, once they've conquered this, the math world is their oyster!

Now, let's talk about the fun part – learning through play and hands-on activities. 🎲 Worksheets are okay, but nothing beats the excitement in a child's eyes when they're engaged in a game or a concrete activity.

Introducing Number Toss. In this exciting game, kids get to toss soft balls or plush toys at teen numbers scattered around. It's like their own little carnival game! Not only do they enhance their counting skills, but their hand-eye coordination gets a boost too.

So, gather your little ones, and let's embark on this mathematical adventure together. Stay tuned for more games and activities that make learning math an absolute blast!

Objective: Reinforce counting in the teens (13 to 20) while improving hand-eye coordination.


  • A set of small, soft balls (beanbags or plush toys work well).

  • Number cards or paper with numbers 6 to 12 written on them.

  • Counters such as popsicle sticks, paperclips, poker chips, etc.

number toss game

How to Play:

1. Scatter the number cards or papers with the numbers 6 to 12 written on them across the play


2. Have the children stand in a line a few feet away from the scattered cards.

3. Give each child a soft ball or beanbag.

4. Each child has to toss a ball and should land on a number. They then will get counters equal to

the number which their ball landed on.

5. The children take 2 turns tossing their ball or beanbag to land on a number and each time they

have to get the correct amount of counters.

6. The child who gets the highest number gets a point for that round.

7. Keep a tally of points, and the child with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Race to 10 Dice Game

Teaching Addition and Subtraction

Teaching young children the concepts of addition and subtraction can be a fun and engaging process. One way to introduce these concepts is through the Race to 10 Dice Game. This game not only helps children practice counting and recognizing numbers, but it also allows them to understand the basic operations of addition and subtraction. By rolling the dice and moving their token along the game board, children are actively involved in adding or subtracting the numbers they roll from their current score. They quickly learn that rolling a higher number moves them closer to the target score of 10, while computing how much more they need to get to 10. This hands-on approach to learning helps children visualize the concepts of addition and subtraction in a concrete and meaningful way. To make learning even more exciting, we have created printable Race to 10 Dice Game templates with race cars, horseraces, and swimming themes. These templates provide a visually appealing and themed game board for children to enjoy while practicing their math skills. Simply print out the templates, cut out the game boards, and let the fun begin! Whether your child is a fan of race cars, horses, or swimming, they are sure to have a blast while learning and practicing addition and subtraction. Download the printable Race to 10 Dice Game templates now and watch your child's math skills race ahead!

Counting Fun with Toy-tastic Drawings

For children who prefer to draw, the world is their canvas, and their imagination knows no bounds. Drawing not only sparks creativity but also helps in understanding and expressing concepts like numbers and quantities. Today, we have something special for you and your young artists – drawing prompts that turn learning into a colorful adventure!

When and How Often to Use These Prompts:

1. Daily Doodles: Set aside a few minutes each day for a "Daily Doodle" session. Whether it's before bedtime or during a break, let your child's creativity flow. These prompts are perfect for daily practice, keeping their artistic skills sharp.

2. Weekend Wonders: Make weekends even more exciting by dedicating some time to these drawing prompts. It can be a fun family activity where everyone participates, exploring numbers and art together.

Shape Bingo Game

Welcome to the exciting world of Shape Bingo! This classic game is a fun way to reinforce and test your child’s shape recognition skills while having a blast. Whether you're a kid or a grown-up, everyone can enjoy this game together. So, gather 'round and let's get started!

Game Materials:

- Bingo cards with 6 different shapes (You can create these cards or find printable templates online).

- A set of shape cards with the same shapes as on the bingo cards.

- Friends and family members ready for some fun!


Setting Up:

1. Print or create bingo cards with 6 different shapes on them. You can have as many players as you like, and each player needs one bingo card.

2. Create a set of shape cards that match the shapes on the bingo cards. These will be used to call out the shapes during the game.

3. Give each player a bingo card and some markers or small objects to cover the shapes.

4. Shuffle the shape cards and place them face down in a pile.

How to Play:

1. Decide who will be the first. This person will pick a shape card from the pile and place the card on the matching place in the bingo card.

2. Each player takes turns in getting the cards on the deck.

3. The player who has all shapes covered wins.

Winning the Game:

To win the game, a player must be the first to cover all the shapes on their bingo card. They should shout "Bingo!" when they have completed their card. Make sure they double-check their card to confirm that they indeed have all the shapes.

Optional Rules:

- You can add a rule where a player needs to complete a row, column, or diagonal on their bingo card to win.

- To make the game more challenging, require players to call out both the shape and its color (e.g., "Red Circle").

- If you have younger players, you can use pictures of common objects instead of shapes on the bingo cards.


Feel free to get creative with your Shape Bingo game! You can create themed bingo cards or even use 3D shapes for added complexity. The possibilities are endless.

I will be adding more activities to this blog! So check back occasionally or join our mailing list to get the latest Preschool and Kindergarten math activity or printable.

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